Quick Details
Schedules: Departs 11:00 Am, 1:30 Pm, 4:00 Pm, 6:30 Pm, 9:00 Pm
Guests: Up to 10 People
Location: TBD at booking
Prices shown may Change at checkout depending on holidays and market adjustment.
Relax with Space
Sessa 36 is an open boat and is completely comfortable for 10 people, with space to sit everywhere, this center console concept makes it one of the most comfortable boats out there, you can fully relax because the captain will take you wherever you want.
Our Prices will include the gas and cooler with ice. Captain is Additional $40 per hour.
Inquire a quote online or call us 786-701-6078 we are also on What’s app
Do you have more people? Give us a call and we will find the perfect boat for you.
Our boundaries are:
North: Pelican Harbor by 79th st
South: South of Nixon Sandbar
Going Offshore is completely forbidden.
Thank you for understanding and for staying safe while on our rentals.
All our guests are required to sign our waiver. Please click here and complete your smart waiver ahead of time!